Childhood Cancer

Any Cancer occurring in children between the age groups of 0 and 19 years is considered childhood Cancer, though the upper age limit may vary according to different countries.

Every two minutes, a child is diagnosed with Cancer. The types of Cancers found in children are different from those found in adults. No child needs to fight this alone.

Most childhood Cancers are highly treatable, provided prompt and effective treatment is accessible. In resource-rich countries, three out of four children now survive. However, in developing and emerging economies, children are often not diagnosed or diagnosed too late, and there is a lack of access to information and life-saving treatment. There is a specialty in medicine that deals exclusively with childhood Cancer called paediatric oncology. It is important to know that such a department exists in many hospitals. We have given below a brief idea about the various types of childhood Cancers, treatment methods, and a list of hospitals in South India that have paediatric oncology departments.

Types of Cancer


This is the most common cancer in children which affects the bone marrow and the blood. ALL (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) and AML (Acute Myelogenous Leukemia) are two different types of Leukemia or blood cancer. It accounts for 30% of all cancers.

Brain & spinal cord tumours

This amounts to 26% of all childhood cancers. It includes brain and central nervous system tumours. Some of the tumours are Glioma, Medulloblastoma, Astrocytoma, Ependymoma.


About 6% of cancers are Neuroblastomas. It is usually found in children below the age of 10 and rarely above that age. The tumour can be anywhere but mostly found in the abdomen and can be noticed as swelling.


Lymphomas often start in Lymph nodes and tissues and can affect the bone marrow and other organs also. Two major kinds of Lymphomas are Hodgkins and Non-Hodgkins. Hodgkins Lymphoma affects in early adulthood and or late adulthood and accounts for 3% of cancers. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma makes up about 5% of cancers and is found in both children (usually above 3 years) and adults.


Retinoblastoma is the cancer of the eye and accounts to 2% of all cancers. It may be noticed as a white glare of the eye after a flash picture is taken. It is usually identified under the age of 3. Some Retinoblastomas are hereditary, if so are bilateral. Not all bilateral Retinoblastomas are hereditary.

Wilm’s Tumour

Mostly seen in children of 3-4 years of age and rarely above the age of 6. It starts in the kidney and is also known as Nephroblastoma. It accounts for 5% of Childhood cancer

Bone Cancer & Rhabdomyosarcoma

As the name suggests, it is the cancer of the bone and amounts to 3% of all childhood cancers. Two common ones are Osteosarcoma and Ewing Sarcoma. Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common type of sarcoma in children, about 3%. It affects the skeletal muscles.


Brain & spinal cord tumours




Bone Cancer & Rhabdomyosarcoma

Wilm’s Tumour

Myths about child cancer

Myths about child cancer

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BigHearts is the largest global crowdfunding community connecting nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country. We help nonprofits from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe (and hundreds of places in between) access the tools, training, and support they need to be more effective and make our world a better place.


This is the most common Cancer in children which affects the bone marrow and the blood. ALL (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) and AML (Acute Myelogenous Leukemia) are two different types of Leukemia or blood Cancer. It accounts for 30% of all Cancers.

Brain and Spinal Cord Tumours

This amounts to 26% of all childhood Cancers. It includes brain and central nervous system tumours. Some of the tumours are Glioma, Medulloblastoma, Astrocytoma, Ependymoma.


About 6% of Cancers are Neuroblastomas. It is usually found in children below the age of 10 and rarely above that age. The tumour can be anywhere but mostly found in the abdomen and can be noticed as swelling.

Wilm’s Tumour

Mostly seen in children of 3-4 years of age and rarely above the age of 6. It starts in the kidney and is also known as Nephroblastoma. It accounts for 5% of Childhood Cancer


Lymphomas often start in Lymph nodes and tissues and can affect the bone marrow and other organs also. Two major kinds of Lymphomas are Hodgkins and Non-Hodgkins. Hodgkins Lymphoma affects in early adulthood and or late adulthood and accounts for 3% of Cancers. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma makes up about 5% of Cancers and is found in both children (usually above 3 years) and adults.


Retinoblastoma is the cancer of the eye and accounts to 2% of all Cancers. It may be noticed as a white glare of the eye after a flash picture is taken. It is usually identified under the age of 3. Some Retinoblastomas are hereditary, if so are bilateral. Not all bilateral Retinoblastomas are hereditary.

Bone Cancer & Rhabdomyosarcoma

As the name suggests, it is the Cancer of the bone and amounts to 3% of all childhood Cancers. Two common ones are Osteosarcoma and Ewing Sarcoma. Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common type of sarcoma in children, about 3%. It affects the skeletal muscles.


Treatments of Childhood Cancer

Children tend to respond better to treatments when compared to adults. Treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or bone marrow transplant. Chemotherapy and radiation tend to have side-effects in some children in the long run and hence need to be carefully followed-up. 

Awareness about the treatments available, early detection and diagnosis and supportive care facilities are key factors that help in providing the right care at the right time. It is important to be well informed on the various resources available regarding childhood Cancer. Please do contact us if you need further information or assistance.


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Hear from our heros

Andry, 6 Years Old

We did not leave our home, because if the villages are empty, it will be easier for enemy troops to enter them...

Max, 8 Years Old

We did not leave our home, because if the villages are empty, it will be easier for enemy troops to enter them...

Victor, 8 Years Old

We did not leave our home, because if the villages are empty, it will be easier for enemy troops to enter them...


Give a Helping Hand

A small amount on a regular basis from a lot of people is more than enough to help us continue our work. There are so many ways to help.

You can sponsor a month’s or a year’s worth of treatment, help pay for a birthday celebration, or grant a wish. You could sponsor a family’s monthly grocery expenses. The possibilities are many. Donations to Aroh qualify for deduction under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act of 1961. Donations within India are welcome.