Category: Our Stories

Divyanshi Kashyup

Divyanshi Kashyap is only 11 months old and is already fighting for her life because
she has B-Cell ALL, a type of Blood Cancer. It is unfair. Her parents have never heard
of this disease before and they don’t know anything about it. In their small village near
Raipur, no other child ever had it. Their life changed forever the day they came to the
Regional Cancer Centre. They were scared about everything, the hospital, the Doctor,
their daughter’s life….everything. Everything became better when Priyanka, Aroh
Social Worker, approached them and told them not to worry and that she will be with
them in this fight.
They started learning new words like protocol, chemo, and infection and Aroh Nurse
Anubhuti is helping them understand all these. The fight is still on and it’s not over yet.
But little Divyanshi is marching on and there’s bright future awaiting her.


Rida Bano

Rida Bano is 7-year-old and is from Chhattisgarh where she lives with her parents and
2 siblings. Right now she has reached almost at the end of her treatment which has
been going on for a year. At just six years old, Rida was diagnosed with Acute
Lymphocytic Leukemia, a relentless illness that would have defeated most but not
Rida. Coming to a city 100kms away from their village for treatment is not an easy task
for them. It involves a lot of traveling, bus fare, separation from the family and a lot of
expenses that the family can ill afford. But the family came together to make this
happen and Rida is nearing competition of her treatment. Sadly, bad times continue to
haunt the family and Rida lost her father a few months back to an accident. Aroh Social
Worker is always there with the family, giving the necessary support, to continue the
treatment and Rida is moving on.



Kayalvizhi stole everyone’s hearts on the first day of her hospital visit, including
Dr.Bharath’s at KMCH, Coimbatore. She is tiny, cute and incredibly smart. Ever since
she started her treatment for Rhabdomyosarcoma, things were not going well for her.
She ended up in the ICU a few times, bargained with life and came out victorious every
time. The family continues to move forward only because of the treatment in the Free
Ward and also because of the constant support of Pavithra, Aroh’s Social Worker.
Kayalvizihi finally finished her treatment two weeks ago and is back home. We are sure
that she will go on to achieve great things in life.

Shreya Pahare

Shreya Pahare is full of life. That’s what you notice about her the first time. There’s
always a bright smile and non-stop enthusiasm for life. When you know about her
Cancer diagnosis, you will automatically say, “No.. that’s not fair”. But her enthusiasm
conintued in fighting Cancer also and she emerged victorious! Today, she is Cancer-
free and is a happy, healthy child.

Mask Group 34


Sanghavi today is a happy and healthy 15-year-old getting ready for her 10th Board exam. Things were different when Aroh met her and her mom in 2019. It was just after she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a type of Blood Cancer. Her mother, a widow, works as a House Maid to support her two children. She decided, with a broken heart, not to treat Sanghavi as it was beyond her means. Aroh took over the entire treatment burden of Sanghavi and got her admitted at KMCH, Coimbatore. Within a few days, it was clear that things were more complicated than they looked.

Sanghavi had Acute Myeloid Leukemia which is much more aggressive than ALL. Sanghavi was again shifted to Meenakshi Mission Hospital, Madurai because of the free treatment there. There it was decided that Bone Marrow Transplant was her only option. Her brother donated marrow for her and the procedure went well. Aroh took a house for them in Madurai and supported them in running that house all through Sanghavi’s treatment for 9 months. Aroh’s support for its children is holistic and covers every area of their journey. Our commitment to the children is life long.

This Is How It Started!

Who would have thought that starting an NGO for children with Cancer will make me a story teller? Every child and his/her family is a story, has a story. But like other children’s stories, not all stories have happy endings here. Well, the world is not perfect as in fairy tales.

This is a journey few of us embarked on May,2013 and Aroh-Giving Hope, an NGO for children with Cancer was born. It has changed all of us in one way or other. Lot of things move us in life, but nothing like children. A child brings a smile to anyone’s face. And we associate all the good things in life with childhood. That’s why we think about childhood with nostalgia, that’s why we want every child to have a happy childhood. We are moved to tears when we see child labor, child abuse, hungry children, child soldiers and sick children. We want everything to be perfect for them. We don’t want them to suffer; we don’t want them to even see suffering.

Well, that’s the ideal world. In our world, children fall sick, suffer and sometimes die. In the world we consciously created for us, Aroh, there is chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, pain, suffering, poverty, and often death. Then why did we consciously choose it? Well, someone has to, right? We decided that we will do everything in our power to make the lives of these kids easier and that we will do it ethically and with integrity, every step of the way. Our motto is to help a child with Cancer live, if it’s medically possible.

In the last two years, a lot of children passed through our lives. We lost a lot, a lot remains. We have 203 children under our care now. I don’t have to tell you that the incidence of Cancer is on the rise. I don’t want to give you the statistics. I will not reduce these beautiful children to mere statistics. Each child has a family behind him/her, parents who are shattered by the news, siblings who don’t understand what is happening. We see them going from middle class to lower middle class, from lower middle class into abject poverty in the course of the treatment.

We see the heart-wrenching pain of losing a child, we see the amazing grace with which these children bear the pain, we come across absolute angels in the form of doctors, nurses and well wishers. We also see monsters in the form of doctors and nurses, though few.

I think all of you should hear about these children. I promise you, you will learn a lot from them. In the beginning, if we thought we are going to help them, we were wrong. They are the ones who help us, to grow, to be more patient, to tolerate, to stop complaining, to be grateful, or just to be….

I invite all of you to keep visiting this space for the stories about these wonderful, beautiful and amazing children……It will change you.
