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Helping Today Helping Tommorow

At Aroh, our purpose is to improve the lives of children with Cancer and their families. In 2013, we started our mission to provide holistic care to children with Cancer in Tamil Nadu, and Kerala and in 2023, we help children pan India. We have helped over 10000 kids through our dedicated effort and we are supporting around 3500 children across India now.

Our team of Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers, Physician Assistants, Pharmacists, Survivors, Volunteers, and Donors work tirelessly to improve how Childhood Cancer is identified and treated. With the Trustees, an Advisory Board, and 12 A and 80G certificates, we take great satisfaction in being a non-profit organisation that provides holistic care. Join us on this trip to make a difference in children’s lives. We can bring hope and brighten their future by working together.

Sometimes, real superheroes live in the hearts of small children fighting big battles.

Help is Our Goal

What Makes Us Different

Our Mission

To make sure that the child overcomes Cancer if it’s medically possible and that access to treatment, lack of awareness, or expensive treatment cost will not be a hindrance in getting the child the best possible treatment. To make sure that a Cancer Survivor can lead a life of quality with dignity without any stigma.

Our Vision

To equal access to quality health care for children with Cancer.

To have 60% or above survival rate by 2030.

To ensure better policies and rights for children with Cancer in India.

Core Values






Meet Our Trustees


Medical Advisor


Chief Medical Advisor

Medical Support

The child’s relationship with Aroh starts when he or she meets with our Social Worker in the hospital. The Social Worker takes care of all the needs of the child and the family such as patient navigation, monetary help for diagnosis and treatment, counselling, accommodation, transportation, food and end of life care.


We offer customised and secure transportation services to families coping with paediatric Cancer, collaborating closely with healthcare experts to meet each child’s specific needs. By providing this support, families can focus on their child’s health and rehabilitation, knowing that transportation is one less concern. Aroh is committed to supporting families and is happy to offer transportation services that make a difference. Train, bus and flight fare are also provided as and when required.

Food and Nutrition

The child and the Care Giver are provided food while at the hospital. Through the nation-wide Nutrition programme, Nutritionist/Dietician recommended dry food and fresh fruits and TPN Bags. Grocery kits are provided every month to deserving families to ensure that the children have well-balanced meals to maintain their immunity levels.

Psycho-Social Support

Social Workers in the hospitals and at the Office are trained Councillors and they provide continuous counselling to the Parents and patients. Parent Support Groups in various hospitals empower and support its members. Bereavement support and counselling is also a huge part of the service that’s given.

Aroh takes pride in the fact that the members view the NGO as their family, and everyone feels a sense of belonging. This offers its members much-needed emotional assistance.


Capacity Building

Capacity building of the Health Care System is crucial in improving the survival rates of children diagnosed with Paediatric Oncology care through aid to staff, training, tools, and equipments. As part of this, Aroh’s staff ( Nurses, Social Workers, Physician’s Assistants, Pharmacists and Psychologists) work in different hospitals across India. With such assistance, healthcare professionals are able to provide better care, raise awareness, prevent treatment negligence, and reduce treatment abandonment. The end result is improved standards of care and improved survival rate for children with Cancer in India.


Children with Cancer lose their childhood and education during the long treatment period. In Hospital Classrooms provide the feeling of school which emotionally help the children cope with this dreadful disease. Installing Smart Classrooms is a project Aroh embarked on and is currently working on.  Nine major hospitals in India will have a fully-equipped Smart Classroom in the near future. Apart from this, Aroh helps the re-integration into school process make easier by giving school bags and stationery to all school-going kids every year. The kids’ tuition fees and school fees are also covered. There are also monthly classes conducted by Aroh to give the children awareness and exposure to various aspects of life. Experts from different walks of life take classes. Classes on art, craft, music and dance are also done regularly.



Mask Group 8
Childhood Cancer Intl Logo
Cancer Care India Logo



Be a part of the mission.

Join the mission

  • It takes a village to raise a child and it takes the world to care for a sick child.
  • Donate so that a child can get quality treatment.
  • Donate so that the mother can have food to gain energy to look after her child.
  • Donate so that the child can go back to school and lead a quality life.
  • Donate so that a child can go back home in a taxi after a chemo.